
Parts of The Tree

Jigsaw Puzzle Map of the Hemispheres of the World

Nature Tray

Parts of the Animals and their Definitions

Land and Water Form Cards

Music Bells


Sink and Float

The culture curriculum for 3 to 6-year-old children in a Montessori prepared environment provides the child with the foundation for more formal learning of Geography, History and Biology, Science, Music, and Art in an exciting and colourful way. The curriculum is provided primarily in story form, aided by simple and uncluttered pictures to illustrate the interconnectedness of life and to capture their imagination and hold their attention. In the prepared environment, the children can explore the activities that appeal to them, and it is the teachers’ role to help the child absorb the knowledge in a way that is global in perspective.
“The goal of the teachers is to give the child the keys to the world.”
(Montessori Teachers College, 2020, p.3).
In the exploration of Geography, the child has a great interest in other children who are different from themselves, are from different regions, and have different traditions and lifestyles. Teachers can encourage discussion with the children by using pictures to show different cultures from around the globe. This discussion about differences and diversity awakens the child’s interest in the lives of people in other places. Similarly, the teaching of History is presented in the form of a story and involves the children in sensorial activities. It is important to include timelines that are presented clearly, simply, and in an appealing way in the form of a story and with pictures. The passage of time is an important element for children to understand, and the children come to appreciate how living things depend on each other and how things change, and people need to be able to adapt and keep the peace.
“As we all share a common past, present, and future the children will become aware of a responsibility to preserve our planet for future generations.”
(2020, p.26).
Young children are also natural scientists, they ask many questions, love to explore, and will repeat hands-on experiences and activities that they enjoy many, many times. Sciences and Biology are important subjects in the culture curriculum in the prepared environment as the child explores the plants and animals in the space, they develop respect for all living things, and the balance of life on the planet. Having a live animal, and plants for the children to care for helps them to become aware of the needs of living things, and how they can live or die based on whether they are properly cared for. The teacher can also help to nurture the child’s love of animals and their environment through their own behaviours. This is the nature of the child and their instinct for love and peace.
“Love is the instinct that guides our actions”.
(2018, p.86).
Finally, creativity is an especially important part of the culture curriculum. Children explore their passions and interests, by working with various media, having brainstorming activities, creating rhythms together, movement exercises, visual arts, and games. Through this exploration, children learn the diversity of thoughts, ideas, music, and cultures of the other children around them as they play and socialize. Participating in art activities helps the children to develop creative problem-solving skills and communicating thoughts and ideas with others, which are important skills for leadership.
“The child then promises the redemption of humanity… pointing the way to a better life and bringing us light… it is incumbent upon us, therefore, to serve the child and create an atmosphere that can satisfy his needs.”
(2018, p.83).
The culture curriculum in the prepared environment provides the child with the freedom to explore as scientists, using their natural curiosity and desire for hands-on learning to develop their understanding of the planet and the harmony and balance required for all living things to thrive and achieve Dr. Montessori’s vision of peace.
"Education is the best weapon for peace”.
(2018, p. 25).
the Sandpaper Globe
the Colour Globe of the Continents
the Jigsaw Puzzle Map of the Hemispheres of the World
the Animals of the World
the Families of the World
Land and Water Form Cards
Land Formation Outline Maps
Daily Calendar
The Seasons Timeline
Linear Timelines for the Days of the Week and the Months of the Year
Timeline of the Childs Life
History Story
The Birthday Celebration
The Clock
Introduction to Biology
Introduction to Zoology
Care for Indoor Animals
The Outdoor Environment
The Natures Table
Life Cycle of Animals
Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Parts of the Animals and their Definitions
Lifecycle of Plants
the Importance of the Sun
the Botany Cabinet
Parts of the Tree
Living and Non-Living
The Human Body
Use of Magnets
Sink and Float
Raising Water Level with Washers
Measuring the Rain
Leaf Collection
Plants Stems
Mixing Colours
Wheel and Belts
Introduction to Music
Description of Music Sessions
Description of Creativity Sessions